Tending the Spirit – Connection Support Group (NAMI CDA)

Tending the Spirit – Connection Support Group NAMI CDA 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM MST (Virtual) Join URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZItcu2qqzksGtQItA4cqKCezw0Gj8wdCPk5   This group meets to create and promote an environment of respect and safety in NAMI support...

In Person Family Support Group (NAMI TV)

Family Support Group  In-Person | NAMI TV 7:00pm-8:30pm MST Family Support Group is open to any adult who has had a loved one experience a mental health condition.   Facilitator: Patti Copple [email protected] Address: First United Methodist Church (2717 12th...

Online Connection Support Group (NAMI UV)

Connection Support Group NAMI Upper Valley 7:00pm-8:30pm MST (Virtual) Join URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88564997209?pwd=dXpYT0VFY1VzZ0x3UVZQT0RJMjhiUT09. Meeting ID: 885 6499 7209 Passcode: NAMI   Facilitators: Jennifer Leatham – [email protected] Shari Harer –...

Gratitude Connection Meeting

Gratitude Connection Meeting NAMI TV 11:00 am – 12:00 pm MST (Virtual) Start your day with positivity!   https://zoom.us/j/91212247901?pwd=KzZEeXhlWlcrY1J2WndESDNLYVlXUT09 Meeting ID: 891 2788 0615 Password: NAMI   Facilitators Blanca Mora | [email protected]...

Virtual Family Support Group (NAMI UV)

Family Support Group Virtual | NAMI UV 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM MST https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86043249858?pwd=SGtCU2RoOGFtOW85cmpDaFhFMzBPZz09 ZOOM Meeting ID: 860 4324 9858 Password: nami   Facilitators Jane...